21 February 2013

February 21, 2013 -11 days left at the MTC!

Yep that's right, only 11 days left to Sweden (or "11 dagar till Sverige" på Svenska). We're supposed to be getting our travel itineraries sometime within the next two days, so I'll keep you posted in that regard. I know that I will be able to call you while I am at the airport at some point so once I get my schedule we can coordinate somehow.

But Jared that's super exciting! It's funny because I've been talking to the Brazil missionaries in my building and pretty much no one is getting their visas right now. So it's a HUGE blessing that you already have that. Even the ones that have been in the Provo MTC for 6 weeks because of visa delays are being temporarily reassigned to other missions because the visas are taking so long right now.

As for my experience here, the Swedish is coming. I know that we're improving at a "hastened" rate. I'm not sure if I told you before but at Week 2 at the MTC when we taught those returned missionaries at the TRC they said that our Swedish was better than many of the people the worked with as they were leaving the MTC. When we taught at the TRC last week, we again heard how amazing our Swedish is.

In other news, my companion was called to be our new Coordinating Sister (which is pretty much the female equivalent of a Zone Leader, but there's only one and not two, so I'm not one if that makes sense). I get to support her in her new calling of helping the other sisters in our zone, which I'm glad to help in whatever way possible.

I ran into Maddie Cleveland the other day and she had no idea that I was here! She's loving it and is looking forward to heading off to Argentina later.

I gave a talk last Sunday. The way my branch does it is that every week we have a general topic and everyone is supposed to prepare a 3 to 5 minute talk on that topic. Then, right after sacrament the Branch Presidency announces which two missionaries get to speak about 5 seconds before they are supposed to come up. And I was chosen last week to speak on "Enduring to the End"; I can't give you a full description of my talk since honestly all I had written down was the references to the two scriptures that I would want to share. I shared 2 Nephi 31:20, and talked about how it is important to not just bear with whatever we face, but to do so with hope. I love the imagery of light. Light is just a symbol of hope, whether it is that the sun will rise each morning or of the lighthouse acting as a beacon in the middle of the storm. I talked a bit about how Christ is the light we need to follow. I correlated this with D&C 50:24 " That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." I then shared my testimony of the Savior and what he means to me. How I am so grateful for all that he has done and that I look forward to the day when I can thank him personally for what he has done for me and what he was willing to do for everyone. I know that I was called here for a reason and I am grateful to serve him.

Anyway I have about 30 seconds left so I just wanted to say that I love you all and thank you for all of the support you have given me within the last month. I really do appreciate every bit of it.

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