Hey everyone!
It's been another week here in the Trollhättan area. Last week we were able to go to this cool fortress in Bohus (it's between Trollhättan and Göteborg, uh Gothenburg I believe in English... I'm not really even sure). So you'll be seeing a few pictures of that below.
We've been fairly busy here, though it's certainly been a bit rough. Honestly we don't really have any investigators right now. We have a couple of potentials that we're working with, but we're working on finding! We have a couple of numbers for individuals we've run into that we hope will prove to be fruitful.
As for inactives, we were able to visit quite a few in the past week and most everyone invited us to come back this week as well, which we're definitely excited about. We've been working quite a bit with Christine and her daughter Emma, which we think will become a regular thing to have lessons over at her house. Emma is becoming more interested in the church, though she's not quite ready to start officially taking the lessons, she's coming closer to that point.
We've been visiting several of the older single women in the ward. The one that we've been seeing the most progress with is Vera. She's a sweet woman who loves playing her organ for us. We've been by a couple of times already and we're planning to go again tomorrow. She loves to talk about the scriptures with us and she has a huge testimony of prayer.
We've also been visiting with an older couple that spends half of the year in Sweden and the other half in Spain. It's their time in Sweden and they're definitely willing to have us over. They think that it's fun to have sisters over since they've never really had that before.
I finished reading the Book of Mormon again this past week. Moroni 10 has always struck me as so full of hope. Those last few verses in the Book of Mormon carry so much weight. God's grace makes up the difference. It bridges that gap that we are unable to. We'll be able to stand tall at that "pleasing bar of the great Jehovah" and greet judgment with great happiness.
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