22 July 2013

6 months on the mission! - July 22, 2013

First off those promised pictures of the Solar System! (I'm just including some of my favorites).

With the sun! 
And look! This is where we are =) 
Jupiter (isn't it big?)
And when we realized that there was no Pluto ... =( Because the planet project took place after Pluto was demoted. 

Anyway, it's been a busy week. The other sisters in Örebro have three baptisms planned for the next two weeks and we're working hard with our investigators now.

As for what I've been thinking about lately, I've been considering the concept of "Happily Ever After" (I recently read President Uchtdorf's talk "Your Happily After") and I've been considering the concept in regards to myself personally and in regards to the books that I write (or want to write). Even though the words are as of yet unwritten, every day word by word, I draw nearer to the time my story will end, "And they lived happily ever after. The End." But what defines a happily ever after? Well for me I imagine that I will be married to someone who I love deeply and openly; who gives me the most ultimate kind of happiness and I to him; who builds me up and who I can help strengthen; someone who is willing to make that journey with me to forever so that we can face God at judgment today, together, knowing that what we have done is enough and dedicated to Him.

Mosiah 7:33, "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."

Love you all!


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