Almost October.... - September 30, 2013
Story of the week: Our day started off a little bit interesting since everything that we had set in stone, canceled last minute. We had been meaning to drop off some cookies to a ward member to thank him for helping us with Frezghi's baptism last week, so we quickly made some for him and dropped by. At the moment we knocked on the door, there was about 15-20 people in the entry way. The ward member and his wife were definitely very excited to see us, so we just dropped off the cookies and left, feeling a little confused. The next day at church, the wife explained to us that all week she had been praying that the missionaries would come by the house (to have an unthreatening introduction to the church) while her family was visiting and at the moment that she thought it would be absolutely perfect for us to come, we knocked on the door. Everything worked out for a reason! =)
Moses- we met him quite a bit last week--he has several friends that he wants us to try to teach, so he's been sitting in on other lessons. It's interesting because he still isn't sure about baptism. He says that he wants to, but that he doesn't know when. We're encouraging him to keep reading and praying so he can know for himself.
Frezghi (recent convert) - was confirmed yesterday! He's doing well--he's still super happy he was baptized; though he is having a hard time with school.
Fredrik (recent convert)- wants to go to the temple, so we're helping him prepare for that time.
As for my studies in the last week this scripture stood out: 3 Nephi 15:24 in conjunction with Doctrine and Covenants 50:41-42. We never have need to fear of being lost.
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