One of the best and most memorable parts of Kungsbacka: Tomas. We went to the cemetery with him so we could double check the information for his parents. We helped him get all set up with Familyseach so we could print off the names for his parents and he was just so happy! We were able to get permission from President Newell to be able to travel with him down to the Copenhagen Denmark Temple for the baptisms in a couple of weeks!
The following weeks:
We also learned the importance of following the rules in the white handbook,
specifically having someone guide the car while backing up. The car went over a ledge and the back tires got stuck. With the help of 10 men and 4 planks of wood, they were finally able to lift the car enough so it could move.
So that night, we did end up getting home late (which happens sometimes)--but at least we were able to walk in the door around 2230 so we didn't get to sleep too late!
The one negative about the event - Syster Larson and I ended up having over 40 bug bites between us! The elders ended up getting 2 or 3 a piece (if even that), maybe something about tights attracted them?
June 2 P-day and Exchanges - we went up to Göteborg to spend time with the others and shop a little and help one of the elders pick out a pair of glasses (he wanted an opinion from someone of the female population). He ended up buying them in the end. At the end of p-day hours we switched with Borås. Syster Smith came back to Kungsbacka with me--that's when we learned that one of the train companies was on strike so that explained why half of the trains had been cancelled recently and and indeterminate time in the future. Ended up being one of those times with lots of walking and plans falling through. We switched back the next afternoon.
That's when Syster Larson and I realized the overall ridiculousness of our travel plans for MLC the next day. For us to be able to make it to the bus at the airport Wednesday morning, we would need to take a train at 1 in the morning from Kållered--there was literally no other option (train or bus) leaving between 1 a.m. and 5:27, which would have made us miss that airport bus. Instead of our original plans, we did a couple of swingbys in the general area, hurried home for dinner and get ready for the next day headed back in to Göteborg/Väster Frölunda to stay the night at the sisters' apartment there (this way we would only have to leave at 420 instead of 1--a lot better).
Our Wednesday travel ended up being train, bus, plane, bus, switch buses, train and then after MLC train, bus, another bus, plane and car (we didn't end up back at our apartment until about midnight that night). Our plane had ended up being delayed--fog and a closed runway in Stockholm adds up after awhile--we ended up waiting most of this hour on the plane. The plane back ended up being delayed over an hour as well - but we did make it home!
This was the last MLC with President and Sister Newell before they would be leaving Sweden. I had my last interview with him which was a bittersweet experience. He gave me a parting blessing, which is fairly ingrained in my mind. It felt like the beginning of the end. We also learned that Syster Larson would for sure be leaving the next week, but that we would find out where on Saturday (the day we were going to Denmark with Tomas)

The next day was Zone training and studenten - the day that the high school students graduated and are out celebrating. We don't have anything like it here in the states, but here's a video:It's kind of crazy, but fun!
June 6th - Sweden's National Day - it was really rainy, windy, and cold and we were both feeling a bit under the weather (puns galore!) We did some family history and ran into the elders, who took pity on us and lent us an umbrella.
On the way back we took the ferry and passed by Hamlet's castle (seen below).
Once we got back to Sweden and were able to turn our phone back on again, we realized that we had 2 missed calls and 56 text messages waiting for us. Because it was Transfer Call Saturday! We played phone tag a bit with President. We refused to look at our text messages until we talked to him (to keep up the surprise haha). We found that Syster Larson would be transferring to Uppsala and that Syster Richins would be coming from Jönköping to be with me. With this transfer, my MTC group of sisters would officially be the "oldest" group in the missionary--a very surreal feeling!
The next few days we went all over so that Syster Larson could say goodbye to everyone. Transfer day, ended up being with a bunch of other missionaries coming in and out and finally got to meet up with Syster Richins at 19 that night! :D
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