27 January 2014

Sweden - January 27, 2014

It's been a busy week to say the least. We have had a lot of blessings this week, for which I am extremely grateful.

David decided on being baptized on the 16th, but he didn't come to church yesterday. It was understandable since he doesn't have a bus card and it's a 30 to 45 minute walk in the snow, but he said he would plans on coming next week. But it was a really good experience with him on the day that he decided to be baptized.

May-Elin and Vanessa both came to church again yesterday. We have family home evening planned with their family and the bishop's family tonight, so we think that would be good for everyone involved.

Alex has been gone out of the country visiting family, but his mom, Karen, was very glad when we came by and helped answered some questions about the scriptures. Definitely still positive!

Achmed is taking steps. Right now he's praying about whether or not he should be baptized. Even when he had a discouraging week, he's still praying and working at it.

Rose and her family are amazing. It's a bit of a complicated situation since she is the only one that speaks Swedish or English; her husband, sister-in-law, father, and children only speak French. We were in a bit of a crunch because we've been trying to find a French speaker in the ward to accompany us for half of last week. Everyone was either sick, out of town, or had to work. Then on Sunday, there was an American man visiting from Helsingborg and we thought that we should randomly ask if he spoke French and sure enough he had lived in France for several years and was quite fluent. He was able to come with us on the lesson and it was an extremely good experience all the way around. He was definitely inspired to come down to Malmö yesterday.

Bwen is progressing. We think activities such as sports night will make a big difference with him.

Arianna is making progress. She's definitely excited about learning more and we plan on teaching her about the Plan of Salvation next, which we're sure will make a huge impact.

Scripture - 2 Nephi 25:29- "And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out."

Love you all!


20 January 2014

The year mark is approaching.... - January 20, 2014

It's been pretty cold as of late... lots of wind and a little bit of snow (it just snows constantly without it actually really sticking so that's good, I guess?). It's pretty windy down here since we're on the coast. I heard that they can have some big windstorms where they shut down all of the busses and trains, so we'll see if I get to experience any of those.

This week is my big year mark. As of Thursday, the 23rd, I will have officially been on my mission for a year. I have already been set apart as a missionary for over a year now.

It's been a busy week down here in Malmö! The first big news is with Rufeal who will be baptized on the 1st of February. It is kind of a funny story, because he first had contact with the missionaries about a month ago, where they just exchanged numbers and gave him a mormon.org card. He hadn't really seemed that interested. Then we finally got ahold of him last week and set up an appointment. He brought a friend with him to help translate (he's from Eritrea) just in case he needed it. We gave him a church tour. We then showed him the Restoration video and then he explains that he knows that it's all true, that he's read a lot about it and that he wants to be baptized. So we extended the invitation to be baptized... He really enjoyed church on Sunday, and we're going to do all that we can to help him feel ready for the 1st.

Maj Elin, Vanessa, Micheal (recent convert), and Angelica (recent convert) were all able to come to church for the first time in about month (they've been out of town) and it was wonderful to see them all there.

Achmed is still progressing (we plan on meeting him again today actually).

We've met again with Eva (less active) and she's definitely starting to like the Book of Mormon more with each visit. We think that will be the key in getting her to be able to come back to church.

We were able to reteach Innocent (recent convert) about the Plan of Salvation this week and it was definitely a very powerful lesson. I hoped it was able to help him as much as it helped me. There was certainly just a nice spirit there.

Otherwise we've been pretty much running around from one appointment to another...sometimes that is more literal than others.

In other news, Syster Hauglid was transferred out of Örebro last week (a mid transfer, transfer)... so all of those ties to Örebro are pretty much gone. I just hope everyone is doing okay there, since Syster Hauglid and I were there together for about 5 and a half months (including the bit before we became companions), so it's a bit of a change to have both of us out there in a relative short span.

A scripture that stood out to me this past week was 2 Nephi 5:27, "And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness." It was a simple phrase, but happiness is a way of life. It is just as much a decision as it is an emotion. I hope to do my best to live "after the manner of happiness".

I hope you all have a wonderful week!



13 January 2014

Sweden - January 13, 2014

Howdy y'all!

Yes, Malmö has been a bit warmer (no snow, plenty of rain), but the last couple of days have been extremely windy. I do enjoy being able to see the ocean pretty much every day (sometimes we stay in the city...my area covers the main downtown area, so sometimes buildings are always in the way. I guess to clarify, my area is downtown Malmö and then the southern most outskirts of town in Skåne which continues to Trelleborg and Ystad). Because I am close enough, I might be able to visit the Copenhagen temple.

The ward is about 600 members, but only about 120 or so is active. So Malmö is technically the biggest ward in Sweden I believe. I wouldn't know for sure. My apartment here is about 3 times the size of my Trollhättan apartment and about twice the size of my Örebro apartment.

We've been pretty busy down here in Malmö trying to find new people to teach, getting into contact with the less actives that live in our area and teaching the investigators and recent converts we currently work with.

Two investigators came to church yesterday and they both seemed to have a really good time. Both want to come back again next week and they are looking forward to our next lesson with them. One is currently praying about the decision to be baptized and I think he will be someday. He definitely seems to be prepared (we still have to teach him pretty much everything, but he is most definitely very in tune with the Spirit, which is an extremely great strength that he has).

We've been having a several lessons with other investigators, trying to get them to the point where they are progressing. Some of our other progressing investigators have all been out of town because of the holidays (all coming back this week) so we haven't been able to meet with any of them.

Scripture - 1 Nephi 21:16 "Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me." We can't forget that we are never forgotten in our trials. It is interesting to note that the one man who is actually perfect is the only man that has an imperfect resurrected body so that it may serve as a reminder to the rest of us in our imperfect human states.

Another scripture D&C 108:7, "therefore, strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doings," which to me sums up our purpose as missionaries (and members) rather well. We always need to realize the impact that we have on others.

Something that I noticed this past week especially is having inspired back up plans. We don't always realize how we plan things make a difference, but this past week I've noticed that whenever we had swing-bys as a back up, every time we found someone who wants to learn more and gave us their number so we could contact them. Syster Eborn is quite the example to me in regards to contacting. It is a great strength that she has, which I hope to build up. Syster Eborn and I have been having a lot of fun together; we are curious how long we will be able to remain as companions since she's been down in Malmö for almost five months now and the next transfer is at the end of January/beginning of February. But we'll see!

Love you all!


06 January 2014

My first real pday of 2014! - January 6, 2014

Hello, hello!

I've officially been in Malmö for a week now. It is definitely a bit warmer and we really do have a lot of really cool people that we are working with. The one thing that is interesting for me is that I feel like I'm back to my first transfer in the field, just because the Swedish dialect here is so different and I do have a hard time understanding things (and people have a hard time understanding me ha-ha). I went from understanding about 85-90% of everything to maybe 50% so that was interesting. I know that it will just come along, especially if I am down south for a transfer or two.

People that we are working with:

We had a really good lesson about the plan of salvation with an investigator, his wife, and her son, who would like to come to church next week (They weren't able to yesterday because the buses necessary were canceled). They want us to come back this Saturday. But the lesson with them was definitely one of the spiritual highlights of the week. The investigator definitely has a good heart and he wants to keep learning how he can keep growing in the gospel.

A new investigator that Syster Eborn had contacted on the bus and he decided he wanted to meet after reading about a third of the Book of Mormon. He's definitely interested.

Another investigator is back from France and we have an appointment set up with him for Tuesday. We hope that we will be able to decide on a baptismal date with him.

Recent convert - He's just this cool guy that Syster Eborn had helped baptize. He was baptized in the ocean.  He's been a member for about 2 weeks and he's preparing to receive the priesthood.

Scripture studies - I finally finished 2 Chronicles, so I'm getting into the section of the Old Testament where it is not so repetitive and I'm looking forward to it. It has been interesting to make my way through the Old Testament--I am definitely getting so much more out of it this time around than when I read it in high school.

I also started to do an in-depth "Gospel of Jesus Christ" focused study of the Book of Mormon that I want to finish around June. One thing that is interesting is noting just how many times Jesus Christ is mentioned on a page. A couple of scriptures that stood out were 1 Nephi 2:3 in connection with 
2 Nephi 33:15. Lehi was a great example to Nephi about being obedient to the commandments of the Lord and we can see this evident in how Nephi lived his life.

Love you all!


01 January 2014

The Southern-most area in Sweden! - January 1, 2014

If you haven't already guessed, I've been transferred! I was moved from the Örebro to Malmö (the southern most city in Sweden) and I'm actually in the area that works on the southern border of Sweden.

Saying goodbye to Örebro I'll admit was difficult. I was there officially for about 6 months and three weeks and it will always have a place in my heart. And I'm going to miss Syster Hauglid quite a bit (I think we can say that she's one of my best friends ha-ha), but I'm extremely grateful that I'll be able to see her in the States if not again before my mission is over.

The one that definitely broke my heart was saying goodbye to Moses. A part of me is just afraid that I'll never be able to see him again... but I know that if I can't in this life time, I will be able to in the next. He gave a little bear as a good bye present and it was just so incredibly sweet of him. I'm going to miss that kid a lot, but I know that he's in every excellent hands. I've included a picture of me with him and Cherry. Moses is actually smiling!

Also included is a picture of Lucy, Loveline, me and Syster Hauglid (so you can finally see what Loveline looks like). We dropped by so I was able to say goodbye! 

Also included is a picture of Mehtap, Mansur and Matilda. Matilda is absolutely adorable! Let me just say that. So much good Turkish food from them. They are some of the nicest people that I have ever met.

My new companion is a Syster Eborn. She's 19, from Utah (already has her associate's degree) and just fantastic! We've only been companions for a couple of days, but I like her a lot. I think I'm going to enjoy my time with her.

New Year's in Sweden is a little bit different. Ever since Christmas, fireworks have been going off randomly pretty much any time of the day. The last hour of 2013 and the first two or three hours of 2014 were pretty much non-stop fireworks everywhere we would go ha-ha.

We had permission from President Newell to be out until 12:30 if we were with a member, and the Malmö Stake President invited all 8 missionaries serving in Malmö to come to his house for the holiday. (There are 6 elders in addition to my companionship here). They gave us so much food... but some of it was even Mexican (which I've missed quite a bit)! It was a fun time =) I included a slightly blurry picture of me and Syster Eborn from that night. =)

One last picture of me in front of the Örebro castle. 

And one of moose reflector that I bought, just because. 

A scripture that really struck me this week was Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." With having to say goodbye to everyone in Örebro, this scriptural verse and the third verse of the hymn How Firm a Foundation hit home. I ended up sharing this scripture with Moses before I left to try to help him keep up hope for the future and I couldn't help but think of how true this is and how it applies to saying good bye and moving down to Malmö. I lot of good things will be and are happening down here in Malmö and I look forward to being able to help the ward. I don't have to face all of this alone, and I never will.

I love you all!

Next e-mail on Monday!

