08 September 2014


What has happened in my life since my last birthday?

I've lived in 5 (and a half) different cities in two different countries (I've visited 3 other countries--though I'm not sure if Ireland really counts).

I've learned a new, beautiful language.

I've met thousands of new people.

I've created friendships.

I've faced serious rejection and disappointment.

I've found a whole new meaning of the word love.

I've found out that there exists things that can absolutely terrify me.

I've found that those things can't beat me in the end.

I've seen people's lives change.

I've seen my own life change.

I've grown (and yet I'm still forever under 5'3'' haha).

I've studied the scriptures extensively and learned much that I will forever cherish.

I've come ever so much closer to God and Jesus Christ.

I've devoted nearly 11 of those past 12 months to Them.

In short my life changed.  It changed in almost every single way possible.  I am a different person than I was a year ago, let alone two.  And, I'm happy.  I am most definitely happy.  I wouldn't have said that three years ago or even four.  I am so glad that I can say so now.

There's a lot to look forward to in the future.  I anticipate the highs and lows and the sudden right and left turns.  I cannot predict exactly what might happen.  But I look forward to all of it.

Life is worth it.