19 August 2013

Sweden - August 19, 2013

This week has been busy. Complete with playing soccer in the rain with the ward, playing basketball, a baptism for one of the other sister's investigator, accompanying a musical number for both the baptism and for sacrament meeting this past week, transfer call Saturday (speaking of which, both Syster Gambles and I are staying in Örebro!), helping someone move, complete with moving an old, heavy TV down three flights of stairs, and a day full of drop-bys, but complete with chocolate chunk cookies (they don't really have chocolate chips here in Sweden, so we just get a 200g chocolate bar and cut it up into pieces). Full week.

Pictures! One of me with Rose and her two little girls. 

District meeting in Örebro.


Rose-  She's looking forward to her baptism. We talked about the importance of reading the scriptures and praying last week and she committed to do her best with both!

Eric - we taught him about following the prophet last week. He's doing really good.

Love -  set up an appointment to meet with us later today, which we're are extremely grateful for since she's been so busy lately.

Moses - came to church yesterday as well as to the ward's football and basketball activities last week. After watching the Restoration video with him, he asked to have his own copy (which we happily complied) because he wanted to watch it again.

Frezghi - came to church yesterday even though he wasn't feeling well. He's come to football and basketball as well, which certainly helps him to get to know the ward faster.

Mehtop - she is super positive. She already started reading the Book of Mormon and finds it really interesting. We hope to meet her again soon.

Balansama (new convert) - He keeps coming to church and he still really wants to receive the priesthood. We just need to help him be able to talk with Bishop (who has been out-of-town or really busy lately, but it will happen).

I've been making my way through Alma and something that stood out to me this past week was Alma 15:18 - And how Alma was such a good example of a true friend with Amulek after all they had been through together.

Love you all!


The Örebro sisters! At Zone training a couple of weeks ago.

Rainbow... lots of rain = lots of rainbows =)

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