03 March 2014

"One of our own has fallen." - March 3, 2014

To quote President and Sister Newell.

As a lot of you may have heard by now, Elder Mason Bailey was killed last night in a pedestrian/car accident. Elder Bailey was and will forever be a wonderful person, who knows how to get someone to laugh, who is always a hard worker and just all around good person. I had the chance to serve in the same district as Elder Bailey while I was in Örebro and I just remember always liking him and what he stood for. He is just continuing his mission in a completely different, but eternal fashion. He'll be just as great of a missionary on the other side as he was here. But if you could keep his family especially in your prayers at this time, that would be greatly appreciated. I know that they should receive all of the comfort that they should get at this time.

Last week was a little bit of a difficult week, but it was full of miracles along the way. The less actives that we have been working with have been showing some real progress. One sister was able to come to the fireside we had last Friday about family history work and she loved it! She wasn't able to come on Sunday though, because her husband was sick and she had to take care of the kids. Another member is starting to show a desire to come back and he is trying hard to read and pray, which is helping him a lot.

As for the others we work with, most of them have been busy or sick this past week, but we have confirmed appointments with them for this upcoming week, which is always good =)

As for a miracle that happened this week, we had handed a mormon.org card with the church address to a man at the bus stop, just really saying hi and inviting him to church. On Sunday, he brought his entire family with him and we are going to meet them this Saturday to explain how the church began. They are definitely really interested! We were definitely inspired to talk to that man, even if it was just for so brief of an instant.

For a funny story of the week: We had an interesting experience while contacting on Wednesday. We contacted this one woman who was smoking and asked her what she thought was the meaning of life. She said that we had asked the right person. She then starts explaining how she has dealt with a lot of difficult things in her life, when this other lady with her dog (waiting to pick up a pizza) comes over and asks if she heard right that we were talking about the meaning of life. We explained that we were and the first lady continues to explain how she has found the strength to continue living each day, even among years of abuse. The original lady had to leave (we were able to give her a mormon.org card before she left) and we kept talking to the woman with the dog. She was interested in learning more, but didn't want to give us her number--but she was really happy to talk to us.

And then she lets her dog off of his leash so she could show us a couple of his tricks. He was a little skittish because there were way too many interesting things/smells on the street. But he eventually cooperated and showed us his trick of jumping through a loop that she makes with her arms.

And then this guy on a bike with a trailer comes around the corner and the dog immediately starts running and barking. The biker starts pedaling faster and the dog follows him. Syster Vaarola and I start running after the dog to help catch him--we definitely felt that it would have been our fault if something had happened to the dog. So just imagine this guy on a bike, with a trailer, a crazy barking dog, two sister missionaries in skirts and backpacks sprinting after them, and an older lady speed walking down the street. Yep.

Thankfully after rounding the corner, the dog decided to come back and we were able to catch him. We just sprinted down the one block ha-ha. The owner was certainly grateful.

And in happy news, a member that we've been working with received her temple recommend yesterday! So now she can go and receive her endowment. She just has a new light in her life and she has been radiating happiness.


The ocean...you can kind of almost see Denmark in the distance.

A really pretty church in a town called Svedala.  There were plenty of birds!  Haha!

The bridge to Denmark.

Scripture for the day - D&C 101: 15-16, 35-38

"15 And all they who have given their lives for my name shall be crowned.

16 Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God.

35 And all they who suffer persecution for my name, and endure in faith, though they are called to lay down their lives for my sake yet shall they partake of all this glory.

36 Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full.

37 Therefore, care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul.

38 And seek the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life."

I felt that it was especially fitting in light of Elder Bailey.

I love you all!


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